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Annemieke Schippers

who am I

My name is Annemieke Schippers. I have worked as a Mystery guest which has allowed me to experience a lot of what it feels like to be a customer. This on a broad level in stores, restaurants, hotels, car dealers etc. After that I worked as a saleswoman in various stores. The moment I was asked to be a manager in a health store I was totally not ready. So I rolled right into it…… This has been the moment I have been able to do it my way from my heart and smile. I have learned a lot through this.

what have I learned

I learned here mainly that open and honest communication with your staff and supporting them well is very important. And yes, if I didn’t like something I said so. After all, I come from Rotterdam and there we say openly what we think about something. And ah, so everyone knows who you are and that’s nice for everybody…. And I discovered that I could teach them and they could teach me. Because I was open with them, they were also a mirror for me. This made me aware of how I come across as a manager. And this also taught me a lot.


Have started to look at situations in life differently through my experiences. I found and still find the customer most important. My goal was the customer leaving the door with a smile. And I looked less at the turnover, yes I know, that is also important. I still did it my way I was open to both the customers and my staff. Because of our openness the customers liked to come back. Simple we were nice to them….


By now I have felt the need to share this with my husband who also looks at it this way through his experiences. We hope to help you with tips to look at it differently and have a better time at work.